Friday, January 2, 2009

Penulisan Essay entitled Buah-buahan

This essay i wrote bk in last sem, which resulted me, the highest mark in my class..hahaha.
I dun think i write that good,so feel free to comment,,,baik buruk is alloud.

sesungguhnya yg baik belaka itu mai dari Allah swt,
dan yg kurang elok juga mai dr Allah swt,
Tetapi,ia disandarkan kepada insannya yg lemah,
macam lah aku ;)


I opened my eyes and I, alone, was alive – alive in a stormy angry sea. I took several deep breaths and tried to reduce my adrenaline from rushes. I swam against the angry sea, slowly, so that I could conserve my energy. Struggled for breath, my body almost paralysed. A huge wave lashed over my head and I, began to sank, I shut my eyes and prayed. A few moments later, I found myself clinging over a piece of wood, lying on the surface. I walked through the sand, unenergetically, looking for food. It went of a sudden. I was hit by something and when I looked upwards, a monkey hanging on a tree, threw me some bananas and a papaya. It was a miracle and I could not believe my eyes, as if, the monkey knew that I am looking for food. I ate the fruit and I believed my prayer was answered. The fruit was very delicious and I felt like coming back to life. I will never forget this miracle moment that happened a year ago. Without the fruit, I could have died anyway. Hence, I begin appreciating fruits and I believe that is why fruits are highly recommended to be included in a diet, especially because of its nutrients which promotes the healing of many diseases. For instance, banana, papaya and blueberry are among the popular fruits suggested.

Back in thousand years ago, no less than now, scientific research on fruit which is called the fruit of the wise (Banana Nutrition Facts, 2008), when men began to observe closely with wide open mind the nutrients of this fruits and occasionally found that, this fruit have a miraculous power of disease healing. It is undeniable that this fruit lead the medicine world into new disease healing-era which it nutrient may do enough in

neither healing nor preventing. Behind the creamy and sweetness of banana, nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and fibre lies on the inside. As we look into each nutrient contains, vitamin C helps the body healing, vitamin B6 supports the immune system, potassium is essential for building muscles while fibre is useful for weight management. Nutrients in banana help body in preventing disease such as stroke, hypertension, kidney cancer, and heart disease which may cause fatal. On the other hand, banana is highly taunted as a perfect choice for dieter as no-fat contained in the banana, meanwhile, it also provide energy for daily works.

For those who ever wonder how to stay young, to have a smooth and elastic skin by a natural way, eating blueberry may provide you that. Scientists have discovered many health benefits by eating this blueberry. More and more researches have proved that, blueberry are one of the richest capacity of antioxidant which responsible in part for keeping you healthily and help to slow the ageing process. The antioxidant plays its part in fighting cell damage which is known as “free radicals”. These free radicals are unstable substances that our bodies produce as we get older. They damage human cells and our DNA. Furthermore, this maroon to purple-black ranging colour fruit also helps to protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease yet improves short term memory loss and improves balance and co-ordination of body. Besides, it is also have help in preventing cancer and heart disease.

The third most recommended fruit by experts is papaya which is also known as “The Fruit of the Angels’ (Christopher Columbus, 2006). It is a fruit with yellow - orange flesh with dozens of small black seeds enclosed in its skin that ranges its’ colour from green to orange. This sweet - juicy fruit promises a goldmine of nutrients namely – vitamins, fibre, and minerals. As for vitamins are A, B, C, E, K and for minerals are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron. Case studies indicated that if this food is taken alone for two or three days, it will results a highly beneficial tonic effect upon the stomach and intestines. On the other hand, this fruit also have a miraculous prevention of diseases such as atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. The prevention is helped by the excellent source of vitamin such as A, C and E which is a very powerful antioxidants. Other than that, it is also help you in healing respiratory disorders such as cough, bronchitis and breathlessness. This is the most suggested fruit to be in the part of diet for “second hand – smokers” as they exposed to smoke and this will ensures you to prevent from all sorts of diseases which may be cause by cigarettes’ smoke.

The health benefit of these fruit is not like as promised by any nutritional pills and supplements as it is beneficial in natural form. Nutrition experts advocate generous intake of fruits for optimum health as these food items are loaded with all the benefits. Fruit are one of a kind of buying health nutrients in cheap price compared to pills and supplements which is expensive and it is suggested to consume at least 4-5 servings of fruit in a day. Since they are in the natural form, it keep a largest part of water and 100% of bad - cholesterol free, so that, it is much easier for the body to process and absorb the vitamins and minerals from the these fresh fruit. There are many reason we should include these fruit in our daily diet because this papaya, blueberry and banana are highly suggested, especially because of its nutrients which promotes the healing of many diseases.

Thnks fo reading,, ;)


  1. someimtimes, fruits can be so dangerous.why?with papaya seeds, they could get stuck in your appendix.that`s why they called it "peh aku ade appendix sial.nk kene operate".the true term is, appendix-ache.I am not a doctor, so i dont know the biological terms for "appendix-ache".another point, all the fruits have vitamin A.excessive or over taking fruits with vitamin A could make us, human to be poisoned.similar to animals such as dogs or rat (which i couldn`t remember).they cant eat chocolate.why?wtf how should i know.the chocolate will become poisonous things in their digestive organs.besides, eating too many chillies could make you "cirit birit" or translated to english; "creamy shit".ahaha :D

  2. i read it! ok. perenggan pertama je. i dont hv enough time to read rafiq's essay-long-comment pon. :P:P tell u wat. sume korang punye updates ni sgt elok utk gue afta habis final nnt.yakni mggu dpn.for the time being,happy blogging.and ofcourse,happy commenting.watafak.


  3. to rafiq-ko abes bace ke??hahaha..
    cam xcaye jek.hahaha..btw,the shit is creamy.nyum2.hahahaha

  4. to aliakama-wtf.hahahha..take ur nt forcing u to read btw,hahah

  5. abes la sial aku bace.dah.bak tang lima hinggit.wakaka

  6. "creamy shit"... hahhaa...
    yammmy gilllerrr ah..
    i`ve read rafiq's essay-long-comment.
    rfq. tahniah.
    kunfa. next time.

  7. woi babi update blog kau sial lahanat anjing kafirun kafir

  8. ni macam copy dari readers digest jek..muahahahahha

  9. yang starting part tu plak mcm lirik lagu band hardcore je..wahahahahah

    ko ni copy cat btul la

  10. ni butoh kau kate da update kimak tipu aku di dalam KLIA transit hahahahahah cibai do otai perak ni hehe
